Buddhacharitam - Canto 3

Buddhacharitam is an epic Sanskrit poem composed by the renowned poet and scholar Ashvaghosha. It is a magnum opus that chronicles the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha, from his birth as Prince Siddhartha to his enlightenment and the propagation of his spiritual message. The poem captures pivotal moments in Buddha’s life, including his renunciation of worldly pleasures, his journey of asceticism, and his ultimate awakening under the Bodhi tree. It is written in an exquisite style, blending poetic beauty with deep philosophical insights, making it a revered work in both literary and spiritual traditions. While not all of its chapters have survived, Buddhacharitam remains a significant source of Buddhist history and thought, reflecting Ashvaghosha's mastery in fusing devotion, narrative, and philosophy into an enduring literary masterpiece.

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